Learn creative coding writing simple programs


Programming can be fun and a very creative activity. Playing with graphics and sound is a great way to get started. That's how I learnt programming and math: by experimenting and building things I could see and hear. This is my attempt to share with you how I learnt coding.

Most episodes include a very short program that tries to explain one idea, and builds on top of previous episodes. The first episodes talk about a programming language called Processing. It's very easy to get started with it. The newer episodes combine graphics generated with Processing and sound produced with the SuperCollider programming language.

Have fun mixing code and creativity!



If you find these videos helpful, your support via PayPal, Ko-fi or Patreon is very welcome :-)

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You can post questions and comments below each video. If you are stuck with a Processing project, this forum can probably help. The SuperCollider forum can be found here.


Find me on Mastodon. For e-mail use "fun" followed by "@funprogramming.org". It always makes me happy to see what you create, no matter how simple :)


To watch an episode offline, click on TubEdu at the bottom of the video. A new page opens, then click on Download.

You can download the source code for all episodes, but you will learn more if you type the code yourself :)

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